Flight Club

Booked your flight?
We'll take care of it from here

Get personalised accommodation and trip recommendations straight to your inbox.
Most of us visit over 38 sites planning a single trip. Ouch.

Every time, we enter the same information over and over again.
What if it was all intuitive and fun instead?

With Flight Club you receive the best hotel options straight to your inbox (powered by, along with flight updates and other personalised suggestions
How it works
How to join the beta programme?
  • Forward your flight reservation to
    We will open up some alternative options soon too
  • Check your inbox for your selection of accommodations
    Receive the best options for your trip, and book them in a couple of clicks
  • Start receiving unique tips in your inbox
    You'll receive 2 to 3 e-mails prior to and during your trip. No Spam. Only good stuff.
  • Won a discount or prize? Redeem it on your trip.
    If you got lucky, don't forget to redeem your prizes during your trip. They will expire afterwards!

Send your flight reservation to to get started.

Get more benefits the more you explore.
The more you travel, the better the recommendations you get.
And the greater the chances for freebies and special deals too.

We got you covered.
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