koja FREQUENT travelLER club

Be part of the local community.
Wherever you are.

Discover unique places.
Share your moments.
Earn rewards.
KOJA is a frequent traveller club for those of us who love exploring the world both far and close to home.

The more you explore, the more you contribute, the greater the benefits you get.

Now accepting registrations for the beta programme.
Show me the benefits!
Get more benefits the more you explore.
As a community, our aim is to make it really easy to get out of the door and enjoy the life around us.
And we love to throw in a few surprises too.
"I was able to enjoy my trip from the moment I left the house"
JD, alpha tester with KOJA
I have been using KOJA on most of my trips for the past few months. It's such a fun, low commitment way to get good ideas, and even save some money. On my last trip to Iceland, not only did KOJA suggest a great place to go hike, it also gave me a surprise discount to get my bag checked in from home. I was able to enjoy my trip from the moment I left the house.
"I was able to enjoy my trip from the moment I left the house"
JD, alpha tester with KOJA
I have been using KOJA on most of my trips for the past few months. It's such a fun, low commitment way to get good ideas, and even save some money. On my last trip to Iceland, not only did KOJA suggest a great place to go hike, it also gave me a surprise discount to get my bag checked in from home. I was able to enjoy my trip from the moment I left the house.
How to join the beta programme?
  • Forward your flight or hotel reservation to plans@koja.io
    But hey, you can enter it manually too.
  • Check your inbox for an invitation
    We are currently invite only and carefully managing volume to ensure the best experience. So no hard feelings!
  • Start receiving unique tips in your inbox
    You'll receive 2 to 3 e-mails prior to and during your trip. No Spam. Only good stuff.
  • Won a discount or prize? Redeem it on your trip.
    If you got lucky, don't forget to redeem your prizes during your trip. They will expire afterwards!

When you stand up to give a presentation, the audience already has certain expectations about how you will behave, and what you will say.

Companies which have already taken part in a training
Projection equipment: slide projectors, presentations, overhead projectors, and computer projectors.
Get a discount till February, 25!
Hurry up to get a discount for corporate plans
Discount price for standart plan
Discount price for corporate plan
Zurich Business Centre
+1 123 456 78 90
Röschibachstrasse 24, Zürich
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